"Our Rank may be silent, but our hearts and devotions to our husbands are not"

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Being an Army Wife

I have heard that it takes a special woman to be an Army Wife. And honestly I never knew how true that was until I myself became and Army Wife. It's hard to be the one left behind. It's hard to raise kids by yourself and have them ask every night, "When is Daddy coming home?", "Will be here for my birthday?" and then not have an answer. It's hard to be married to someone legally for 5 years, but in reality only 2 1/2 have actually been spent together. But with all this it is such an honor to be apart of the Silent Ranks. Loving a soldier is touch, but I would never change it for the world.

Currently my husband is deployed and i'm living in Arizona with my sister, who's husband is also deployed. We are actually stationed at Fort Drum, but we moved here for the deployment. However our husbands will be returning in the dead of winter next year and the thought of driving back to NY again in the snow is appalling. because we did it already to get to AZ and got very lucky. The weather wasn't to bad, but we did get stuck in OK when that huge storm hit. So instead of risking the drive again in the winter we will be returning to NY this August in just a few months.

It's kind of exciting and nerve racking all at the same time. For one I hate Watertown, NY it's boring and with all the boys gone it will be 5 billion times more boring. but at the same time it's home. Since I became an Army Wife Fort Drum is all I've known. It's where my military family is, it's where the base I know is, it's where my husband and I started to build a life. So as much as I may dislike Watertown, it is home.

Anyway I got to speak to my husband today. for about three minutes. We didn't get to talk about much because he was exhausted, but I was happy to hear his voice. He has guard duty again tonight. So hope morning my time I will be able to hear from him again. But who knows.

I guess that is all I have to say for now. Until then.....Stay strong army Wives.

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